Princess Turning Three
So my youngest daughter just turned three. When I asked her about a month ago what kind of party she wanted she requested a mermaid party. ??!! A mermaid party in October? I know it's Texas, but even here swimming wouldn't be fun unless the pool was heated. BUT I looked into it. (I even looked into renting a hot tub!) I checked out kid swim schools, aquatic centers, even hotels, but the problem was her age group. They all either had to be potty trained or wear these special swimmers that were not the regular kinds you get at the store. What's a mother to do? Nothing, let fate take care of itself, and with that the Disney deity showered down in a timely manner: Sleeping Beauty. Now my daughter is everything Aurora, (thankfully) and here are the results:
I love invitations! It's probably my favorite part of party planning, and I think it's one of the most important elements. If you have a great invite, people get excited about your gathering.
Well, that's it. First post; I hope you enjoyed it. I'll add some oldies but goodies as I go along. And any of my friends out there who remember some of our past gatherings, remind me, so I can add them too!